2019-2020 – Archives of Sem 1 Meetings – Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2019

———- Aug. 24, 2019

Exploring Science Processes at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

Aug. 24, 2019 – Sat – Full Day – 7.5* contact hrs / 0.5 sem hrs – [7:30 am – 4:30 pm] 

Presenters:Jeff Wolin and Kevin Jauregui

Description:   Join us as we explore science processes at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Learn about geology as you hike the Petrified Forest Loop. Look for evidence of scientific processes during activities in the visitor’s center and in the educational center. Participate in a Paleobotany Activity which can be adapted for your own classroom.  Search for fossils to take home at the nearby Fossil Quarry. You will receive teacher resources and materials and may be one of the lucky winners of a door prize!

Click here for 8.24 HUB Flyer – Florissant Fossil Beds.

* NOTE: Actual times for the meeting will exceed the stated contact hours to allow time for breaks, lunch, and/or travel time that is NOT included in contact hours.

Tentative Agenda:

  • 7:30 AM Bus departs from CMJHS. Participants will participate in an activity on the bus
  • 8:30 AM Arrival / bathrooms
  • 8:45 AM Meet in Covered AmphitheaterInterpretive Talk and NPS Quiz Game – Jeff Wolin 
  • 9:30 AM Get ready for Hike 
  • 9:40 AM Interpretive Hike on Petrified Forest Loop (Geology Focus) – Kevin Jauregui 
  • 11:00 AM  Divide into two groups. 
    • Group one: Watch park film to learn about the geology and history of the National Monument
    • Group two: Explore visitor center and scavenger hunt to find scientific processes in exhibits about scientific discoveries. 
  • Groups switch at 11:20 
  • 11:50 AM Lunch (w/ some sing-a-long science songs) – Jeff Wolin
  • Announcements,  Door prizes 
  • 12:30 PM – 1:40 PM Yurt Fossil Activities – Kevin Jauregui(including Paleobotanist Activity and/or other hands-on science activities) 
  • 1:45 PM Load Bus and Head to Quarry 
  • 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM Fossil Quarry – search for fossils with Kevin Jauregui
  • 3:15 PM Evaluations
  • 3:25 PM Load bus and return to school by 4:30Participants will participate in an activity on the bus
  • 4:30 PM Arrive CMJHS

———- Sept. 18, 2019

Waste Water Treatment & Water Quality with Colorado Springs Utilities

Wed, Sept 18  Evening [4:00 pm – 8:00 pm] 0.25 sem hrs / 3.75 contact hours

Presenters: Sandy Williams (Water Quality) & Brendan Cavanaugh (Water Treatment)

Description:This program combines the CSU popular classroom presentation on the biology & chemistry of your water supply with the Water Quality Laboratory Tour. This experience teaches you the history of water quality, our complex local water system, water treatment processes and water quality testing. Participate in the “Would You Drink It?” challenge and test mystery water samples for general water chemistry (pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids, and chlorine) before touring the Water Quality Laboratory with a CSU chemist. This workshop exposes individuals to sophisticated instrumentation and sampling techniques and allows plenty of time for questions and answers. You will also be provided with hands-on activities on water quality topics that you can implement in your classes.

Check this out:
Resources for Water Education. https://sciencehubs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Resources-for-Water-Education.pdf

———- Sept. 28, 2019

The Uplift of Mountains – Fault Patterns along the Front Range

Sat, Sept 28 Full Day [8:00 am – 4:00 pm] 0.5 sem hrs / 7.5 contact hours

Presenter:Dr. Steve Getty, Geologist/Teacher and Director, Quantitative Reasoning Center, Colorado College

Description: Chains of mountains are a prominent feature of many parts of Earth. Mountain formation is a key part of the growth of continents, development of energy resources that we use, evolution of ecosystems, and patterns of regional climate. This HUB course will investigate several types of fault patterns connected with uplift along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs. We will visit the Garden of the Gods and Glen Eyrie. In additional activities, we will explore how uplift along the Front Range compares globally with other tectonic settings and the current growth of mountains there.  

———- Oct. 19, 2019

Life – Pushing the Limits @ DMNS – How humans and animals push the extremes to achieve phenomenal feats.

Sat, Oct 19 Full Day   [7:00 am – 5:00 pm] 0.5 sem hrs / 7.5 contact hours

——— November, 2019

This hub meeting was rescheduled (to April 2020) because the hippo exhibit was still under construction and the hippos had not been returned to the zoo.

——— December 7, 2019

Click here for 12.7 HUB Flyer – DMNS.

Presenters: Tim Blesse, Teacher Programs Coordinator, DMNS and other DMNS staff

Description:             In this 4-component workshop about how life pushes the limits, participants (YOU !) will: 

(1) learn about how the human brain works to get into a “flow state” condition which drives us to push the limits of extremes and maximize performance.

(2) take an action-packed ride (virtual) through the world of extreme sports! YOU will be put to the test as you jump, fly, dive, climb, and explore some of the riskiest activities in the world. Physical, multimedia, and creative challenges place YOU inside the minds and bodies of extreme athletes and their passions, such as wingsuit flying, ice and rock climbing, parkour, and free diving. 

(3) be presented with inspiring stories as YOU (virtually) journey around the globe to follow remarkable dogs that save lives and share a powerful bond with their human partners.

(4) participate in a phenomena-based field trip in which YOU are presented with a real-life phenomena and must gather and utilize evidence in order to make a claim based on scientific reasoning.

Tentative Agenda:

  • 7:15 Bus departs Discovery Canyon Campus
  • 7:15- 8:30 Travel by bus to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
  • 8:30- 9:45 How “Flow State” in the brain affects performance- Presentation by Tim Blese (DMNS)
  • 9:30- 11:00 Exhibit (interactive): Extreme Sports- Beyond Human Limits
  • 11:15- 12:30 IMAX- Superpower Dogs
  • 12:30-1:15     Lunch and self-guided exploration of exhibits
  • 1:15- 3:30 Phenomena-based field-trips (choice of 1):
    • Prehistoric Journey
    • Exhibition Health
    • Wildlife Populations
  • 3:30- 5:00 Bus returns to Colorado Springs. Participants complete a debrief activity

Click here for  12.7.19 – HUB Flyer – Argumentation

Building a Culture of Argumentation in YOUR Science Classroom

Sat, Dec 7 Full Day [8:00 am – 4:15 pm] 0.5 sem hrs / 7.5 contact hours

Presenters: Tim Blesse,  Teacher Programs Coordinator, Denver Museum of Nature and Science Rob Payo, Teacher Programs Coordinator, Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Description: Too often teacher workshops focus on crafting a good viable argument and not on having the argument.  How do we help students to lower their resistance and feel safe to engage in lively discourse and critique? How do we create an environment that stimulates deeper, richer interaction? Interactions that employ quality evidence and quantitative reasoning?  Enjoy a day of “arguing” with your peers as you participate in a series of activities that model specific research-based instructional strategies designed to get your students engaged in richer, more productive discourse.