Archive – 2022-2023 PALS Home Page

Our 2022-2023 program is complete !

Thanks to those of you who joined us this year.

Check back in mid-July for the upcoming program.

2022-2023 Calendar of PALS Hub Meetings

Below is a list of our upcoming Hub Meetings for this school year (22-23) . You may choose to download a file containing all of the information if you like. Please share this information with any other science teachers in your building, district, and/or your contacts.

1 2022-2023 PALS Calendar revd 4.4.23

2 PALS 2022-2023 Hub Meetings Descriptions.revd 4.11.23


These are the PALS Hub Meetings that will take place this school year. All will be IN PERSON. As the year progresses blue links will be included. Click on the blue date for more information or click on the green highlighted link to access the flyer!

Semester TWO – Completed Programs !

Semester ONE