Title: Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Science Classroom
Day, Date, Time: Tues, February 11, 2025 4:00 – 7:00 pm Arrive 4:00 for food and networking, Program 4:30-
7:00 pm
Contact Hours: 2.5
Food: Light dinner (pizza), drinks, and snacks provided.
Location: Coronado High School, 1590 W Fillmore St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Presenters: Julie Evans, Science Teacher, Coronado High School
Description: Are you looking for strategies to support your ELL students? Do you want to learn practical techniques that have been tested in the classroom by a veteran science teacher? Join us for an evening of collaboration and a sharing of ideas. Learn about strategies focusing on warm ups, vocabulary, assessments, and time management. Engage with other teachers to brainstorm learning strategies that work in the classroom.