Title: The Wonder of Wolves
Day, Date, Time: Saturday, September 7, 2024 Workshop from 7:30 am – 2:00 pm NOTE: Workshop Includes a bus trip to the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center
Contact Hours: 5
Food: Bring a sack lunch. Snacks and drinks provided.
Location: Cheyenne Mountain JHS and the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center (bus will be provided)
Presenters: PALS Coordinators; Education Guide at the Wolf and Wildlife Center
Description: Learn the science behind wolves through a series of activities from the CSU Natural Sciences Outreach & Education Kit, The Wonder of Wolves. The kit activities simulate wildlife biology techniques, such as observations, tracking, simulations, and scat analysis. They also incorporate the perceptions of different stakeholders that will prompt great group discussions into how humans and wolves could share the landscape as they return to their historical range.
Then, explore the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, which is a nonprofit sanctuary that provides natural habitat and care for wolves & wild canines offering guided tours & conservation programs. Join a knowledgeable guide for a one hour walking tour through the sanctuary and see wolves, coyotes, and foxes. Learn about their history, biology, and current issues they face today. The Center’s focus is conservation, education and preservation. They also participate in the Species Survival Program for Mexican Grey Wolves and Swift Foxes.
7:30 Registration and Announcements
7:45 – 10:45 Explore the Wonder of Wolves kit activities
10:45 – 11:45 Bus trip to Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, Eat lunch on bus.
12:00 – 1:00 Guided walk through the Wolf and Wildlife Center
1:00 – 1:15 Restrooms and Evaluations, board bus
2:00 Arrive back at Cheyenne Mountain JHS